
Miracle Week Concluded...Friday

Friday was a bust for my planned miracle (to make an appointment for a consultation for a tonsillectomy)... But, on a better note, I received my Service Excellence Award for work, along with a Visa Gift Card. I promptly went to the store to see if this dress I had been eyeing for weeks was still there...
******ONE... in my size***********
That, ladies.. is a miracle! :)


Miracle Week - Thursday

I'm holding on strong!!
Today I scheduled myself for yet another *sigh* doctor's appointment.
(have I mentioned I'm not a fan of going to the doctor??)
Anyway... after my physical, I was asked to come back in for some more preventative testing... Not enthused but, might as well get it over with and get on with it!
So.. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED... for today. :)
For those of you wondering.. this one is set for July 13th.
One more day of Miracles... and i'm afraid the last day will be the worst one... ugh.

Miracle Week... Wednesday...

Rough day. But... Miracle for today...........(drum roll pleeeease)


Most of you who know me.. probably won't believe me... So.. here's proof! :)


Miracle Week

A buddy of mine and I have dubbed this week "Miracle Week" for me... Each day, I am completing a task that has been hanging over my head.

Monday- I consolidated my credit card debt to something convenient and manageable.

Today (Tuesday) - I made my appointment with Minnesota Allergy and Asthma Consultants to get tested for allergies. (I've had numerous food and seasonal allergy issues)

So far, it's been a good week! I'm not making any promises on what the rest of the week will bring, but I'm hoping to continue to complete at least one miracle a day!!



Funny how situations of our own feel so huge and daunting until you listen to someone else's story... and quickly your problems seem quite minuscule. Thankful for perspectives today.


Just Words Today...

Confusing, floundering.
Seeking, hoping.
Refuge, safety.
Comfort, solace.


Whatcha complainin about???

Life isn’t so bad dear,
Take it from me… sittin’ here ,
Wishing I was somewhere other than....