
Miracle Week

A buddy of mine and I have dubbed this week "Miracle Week" for me... Each day, I am completing a task that has been hanging over my head.

Monday- I consolidated my credit card debt to something convenient and manageable.

Today (Tuesday) - I made my appointment with Minnesota Allergy and Asthma Consultants to get tested for allergies. (I've had numerous food and seasonal allergy issues)

So far, it's been a good week! I'm not making any promises on what the rest of the week will bring, but I'm hoping to continue to complete at least one miracle a day!!



Neisha said...

keep it up!! :)

Pam said...

Sounds like an awesome week!!!!!!!! Yay you!

Amanda said...

Well I'm not surprised it's miracle week for you ;) considering you've got those superman "artifacts" close at hand. ;) Glad you're keepin your head up girl - you're pretty much a rockstar.

Emily Pedersen said...

Thanks for the encouragement girls!
Amanda.. u leave superman out of it! ;) haha!! you're a sweetheart!