
Giggle Fits

So just have to share:

I was walking down the hall at work today (carrying on with my job as usual) and I was stopped by a guy from correspondent. He asks, "Did you grow up on a farm?" I was like, "What?!?!" I was flattered, yet in the same breath super confused!! Why on earth would he think that I grew up on a farm?? As you all well know, I don't dress like a farmer or talk like one.... So I asked... The response? "Well, you carry a lot of files and most of the girls around here only carry four and act like they are going to die.... or they cart around one!" I laughed... Coming from a family of girls has only made each of us have a "get down & dirty" and "git r done" side! So thanks to Mum & Pops for raising us right! ;)

Secondly.... Some of you know that my driver's side window in my van is stuck open... Recently, the conversation about my window has moved to the "what if you were attacked" level. Even if I was, it wouldn't do me any good to run to my van! So, as I'm leaving work today, I walked out with a coworker, Jeff. He thought he had parked his truck on the 3rd level and took the stairs, while I walked out to my van on the 2nd level. I get in the van and get settled with my back to my door. Then, someone grabbed my arm and said, "HEY!!" Needless to say, I about piddled my pants and had a coronary while letting out a quite girlish screech!! I turned and pulled away and saw Jeff bent over laughing... He stupidly forgot which floor he was parked on and ended up parking a few cars away from me. He also knew about my window and saw the perfect opportunity. While it could be scary, it is also quite funny!!

This concludes my giggle fits for today!

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