
Beautiful Letdown

It is a disgrace, yet a useful reminder, that you cannot trust and believe what people (in general) say. It is, in fact, their actions that prove to ring truth and judgement. Mere words can persuade, soothe, excite and disappoint a person. But, the acts before, after and during those words are what makes them honest, demolishes them or begs a complete contradiction. It has always been natural for me to take words for honest truth (yes, you can say gullible if it makes you feel better). Over the years I have been through some tough situations and put myself in some tough situations.... BUT, I never seem to learn that people don't always tell the truth. In their defense, they may have felt what they said at the time, or truely believed in what they were saying at that moment... Never the less, actions won out over time and painted them in black and white, liars and make-believers.
I don't believe in New Years Resolutions. But, I have come to the conclusion that maybe this year, I should start. Start with training myself to wait for the actions to prove the words instead of taking the words for gospel truth. Maybe then I wouldn't always set myself up for failure.

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