I was reminded today that no matter how old we are, we are still all ages up to our current age. While fixing a frozen pizza during a lazy Saturday afternoon, my roommate and I were puttering around the house: doing dishes, cleaning showers, straightening up the house and chatting. I had
a lot I wanted to get done but knew that I wouldn't get hardly anything accomplished today, but, I would try. My pizza was done and I was finishing up some last minute dishes that I had hoarded in my room (oops). I grabbed some veggies from the fridge along with my pizza and headed out of the kitchen to my room. On the way out, I grabbed the last of the cardboard my pizza was packaged with and attempted to toss it in the trash. As I bent down to assure a 'hole in one' in the trash, a slice of my pizza went flying off my plate and into the living room, spreading pizza sauce and crust crumbs in its path. Disgusted, I hurriedly set down my plate and went for the pizza. The sauce did a number on our already stained carpet. As I was expressing my
embarrassment and clumsiness, I snorted, " I thought I was done with this when I quit babysitting!" My roommate giggled and said, "
No, we will always do stuff like that. You might be 23 but, you are still 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17..... " So, yes, for all those times when we react or act immature or slip and do something silly, it's still us. We are still all those ages. Guess we never grow up :). There's no wonder in my mind now while older people struggle the most.... They have more ages inside them struggling to get free. It's a silly thought, but it helped ease my
embarrassment and see things a little differently. So thanks roomy! :)